Friday, July 29, 2011



Senior pictures with my love

The one man rock band.

My wonderful cat Max.

So. Many. Batteries.

Like a movie.

Defusing the Uzi.

Like a bicycle in headlights.


Drawn on MobileSketchBook on my iPhone

My Love's birthday (:

Happy Rocks.

BumbleBee's rock.

My only sunshine

Happy ghosts do exist.

Second edition of Eye vision.

Good books.

Drawn on MobileSketchBook on my iPhone

Blood Swear & Tears.

The all seeing bird.


Finger art.

Fourth of July Postering it up.

Attempted 8-Bit.

The many faces of fruit.

I miss you.

Baby Viking.

Taken on my iPhone

Thoughts before pulling the trigger.

My basement.

A quote from my lovely girlfriend.

Love Bomb

Inspired by N.E.R.D's song Love Bomb.

Stormtrooper occupied Iraq.

The Privilege.

Corn saved the Pilgrims.

Baskerville Old Face

The Summer of Art Begins(sort of)

Alright so here goes nothing. During the summer I tasked myself to do one piece of art every day, until school starts back up that is. The art can range from photography, to hand drawings and anything in between. I've been procrastinating quite a bit on getting my actual blog started but decided: Today is the day. So following this post should be roughly 36 days of art you folks have missed out on.